Monday, April 30, 2012

ANUSANDHAN inaugurated by our CEO

Sri G S Prasad inaugurated the research unit by institute of life sciences, DBT, Govt. of India.

Inauguration of ANUSANDHAN

Inauguration of ANUSANDHAN, originally uploaded by sswain_1999.

A research unit by ILS in IGH

Inauguration of ANUSANDHAN

Inauguration of ANUSANDHAN, originally uploaded by sswain_1999.

Inauguration of ANUSANDHAN

Inauguration of ANUSANDHAN, originally uploaded by sswain_1999.

By Sri G S Prasad, CEO, RSP

Sri G S Prasad, our CEO inaugurated the ILS project

Inauguration of ANUSANDHAN by our CEO Sri G S Prasad

A SAIL, RSP & Inst Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar project.

Farewel April 2012

Farewel April 2012, originally uploaded by sswain_1999.

Photo courtesy Dr. P K Satpathy

Farewel to Sri L N Sahoo of Occupational Health Services Centre

Photo courtesy Dr. P K Satpathy

April 2012 farewel function

April 2012 farewel function, originally uploaded by sswain_1999.

Photo courtesy Dr. P K Satpathy

April 2012 farewel function

April 2012 farewel function, originally uploaded by sswain_1999.

Photo courtesy Dr. P K Satpathy

Super-annuation function- April 2012

Photograph courtesy Dr. Purnendu Satpathy.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sriyanka brings laurels to Rourkela

Sriyanka Mohapatra a student of std X of IEM School lifted the prestigious "Royal cup for Uranium Topper' for securing the first position in Uranium Talent Search She is the daughter of Dr. Rabi Narayan Mohapatra & Dr Pushpa Of IGH.