Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Operation Theatre Staff bid farewel to Dr. GN Sahu

Dr. GN Sahu who is very popular with the staff and the public as a surgeon and who rose to become a Director of this hospital was given a warm send off by the staff and doctors in Operation Theatre on 29th March 2011.
From OT bids farewel to Dr. GN Sahu
From OT bids farewel to Dr. GN Sahu

Photos courtesy Dr. NP Sahoo

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Farewel to 3 employees on 28th February 2011

Staff of IGH who superanuuated on 28th February
1. Ms T.Mukhi, PL.No.23055, Sr.Hosp. Attdt.
2. Ms Ursila Minz, Pl.No.33539, DNS
3. Mr. S.K. Rout, Sr.Exec. Asstt., F&A Deptt.
A warm farewel was given by colleagues on 28th February.

Photographs courtesy Sri Prakash Mahakul.
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